Copmanthorpe Primary School

Welcome to Year 4



In light of the partial school closure from Monday (23rd March), there are many resources available online, to support your child's home learning over the next few weeks. We will be sending out some more information over the next few days once we know more about the situation.

In their planners, the children have logins for TTRS, PurpleMash and Spelling Shed. There is also currently free access on NumberFun for parents and children. More information will follow on Friday.

Please let us know via planners if your child will not have access to the internet at home.

Check this page for updates in the next few days.


Home Learning


Each week we will be testing the children on the Year 3/4 statutory words and words taken from year 4 objectives. We will send home a weekly spelling sheet for them to test themselves with but they must also practise using Spelling Shed. Regular use of Spelling Shed is a tried and tested way to help children learn spellings. The Year 1,2,3 and 4 words are also on Spelling Shed.

Click here for the statutory Year 3 & 4 Spellings 

Times Tables

When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to tackle more complex calculations.

Practising times tables is a variety of ways will help them recall the facts, ahead of the D of E Statutory Year 4 times table check later on in the year.

Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables!

Purple mash also has a times table check facility which mimics the 6 seconds answer time required in the actual statutory test.


  • Children take part in whole class guided reading sessions daily.
  • Please continue to read with your child and/or talk to them about their reading at least three times a week. On top of understanding vocabulary, inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval and summarising are the main skills we focus  on at school. Other skills we’ll cover will include looking at structure (headings, sub-headings, captions, introductions and conclusions) as well as spotting past and present tense and formal and less formal language in non-fiction books.
  • Please use the planners as a means of tracking what your child is reading.  We are encouraging children to be independent learners by completing this themselves on the days where they may not read with an adult. Please check and sign them each week. We will be checking planners each Friday. Each day a child reads at home and ticks their planner, we will add it to our reading challenge chart for a chance to win each half term.

Learning Challenge Book

A termly home learning challenge menu is sent home each term. This is linked to our topic but also has lots of seasonal family activities too. Please find links below for more info and a copy of this term's homework:


Learning Challenge Info

Learning Challenge Points Chart

More on home learning

Curriculum for Spring 2 Term

  • Topic- Magic, Mystery and Mayhem (Stone Age to Iron Age)

History - Timelines, changes in Britain, farmers, Skara Brae,

Stonehenge, hill forts

Art - Watercolour Stonehenge silhouettes

DT - willow weaving and stone age tool making

  • Science - Animals including Humans (teeth), Electricity
  • PE - Hockey  and Swimming (Tuesdays)
  • French - Transport, direction and movement.
  • PSHE - Jigsaw

For more detailed information relating to the curriculum and general routines, please see the link below:


General Information 

Year 4 Staff

  • 4CW - Mrs Wooldridge (Monday and Tuesday), Mrs Corah (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Mrs Wooldridge manages her SENDco responsibilities the rest of the week.
  • 4NS - Mrs Nicholson (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), Mrs Scott (Tuesday)

Mrs Scott and Mr Simms cover teachers' PPA (planning, preparation and assessment time) on Wednesday afternoons.

TAs - Mrs Whitfield, Mrs Thornton, Miss Dann, Mrs Mead and Mrs Scott

Important Information

Please note we are now a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so children cannot bring any nut products to school in their packed lunches. We appreciate your co-operation with this.  

  • Weekly homework is handed out every Wednesday and is due in every Monday.
  • Termly homework is set over several weeks so the due in date will be printed on the spelling menu.
  • Please ensure that your child’s uniform, coat, pack up and water bottle are clearly labelled. We still have a formidable amount of lost property every term!
  • Reading books and Home School Planners should be taken home daily. We can then ensure that children get the satisfaction of sticking with a book and finishing it.  We’re happy to give suggestions if it’s tricky to find a book which ‘grabs’ your child.
  • Named water bottles should be in school daily and either taken home every night or at the end of the week.
  • PE is taught twice a week, usually Wednesday and Friday.  However, to allow flexibility, it would still be useful if P.E. kits could be kept in school all week.  If your child needs to be excused from PE, please send them with a note to avoid confusion. This term, swimming will be on Tuesdays.

We are very keen to maintain open communication and a partnership with you. If there is anything you would like to talk to us about, please catch us before or after school or make an appointment in advance.

Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Wooldridge, Mrs Scott & Mrs Corah