Copmanthorpe Primary School

Welcome to Year 4

Updated: 25.6.22

Reminder - PE days are Mondays & Thursday.

This page will provide some information about Year 4, including staffing, routines, the Year 4 curriculum and some additional links to helpful resources.

Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 4 team via the school office email or telephone. Alternatively, please leave a message on the table near the classroom door in the morning. We are keen to keep an open and supportive dialogue between home and school despite the current restrictions.

Please make sure you have downloaded our school app to receive important updates.

As we all return to the classrooms, we will continue to embed our behaviour policy; Ready, Respectful and Safe (RRS).

We will also be reinforcing good learning attitudes with the help of the Copmanthorpe Learning Buddies: Resilient Snail, Resourceful Squirrel, Reciprocal Bee and Reflective Owl. (RRRR)

Around the world miles: Do join us walking, running, biking around the world.

Year 4 Staff

   4B Teacher - Mr Bunce

   4S Teacher - Mrs Sherwin 

   TAs - Miss Shepherd, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Stamp, Mrs Quick, Miss Ashby and Mrs Smith.

General Information

  • Please ensure that your child’s uniform, coat, pack up and water bottle are clearly labelled. Named water bottles should be in school daily.
  • Children will be given a banded reading book
  • Active Learn - Bug Club. This link will take you to the login page.  There are lots of books about a range of amazing topics and new story books.  Remember the more books you read the more points you can earn.
  • Home School Planners will be used in the autumn term. 
  • PE will be on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Children are to come into school in their full PE kit on this day only. Please make sure that they have on suitable PE kit for the weather as we will usually be outside. Please also ensure that long hair is tied up and earrings are either removed or covered up on P.E. days. 
  • Please note we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so children cannot bring any nut products to school in their packed lunches. We appreciate your co-operation with this.  

Summer Term 2022

Timetable - Here is an example of a 'normal' week.


  • Spellings taken from the Year 3/4 statutory words will be sent home to practice in a variety of ways and then the children will be tested every week.
  • Please encourage your child to continue to practise the common exception words they find challenging. We can provide you with a list if required.
  • Please encourage your child to practise spelling on Spelling Shed

    Click here for the statutory Year 3 & 4 Spellings 


  • By the end of Year 4, children should know all their times tables up to 12 x 12. Having a secure knowledge of times tables will help your child in many different areas of maths. We do not yet know whether this year’s Year 4 children will be expected to sit the Statutory Times Table Check which was planned for last year.
  • Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! This is the link for Times Table Rockstars.

  • Purple mash also has a times table check facility which mimics the 6 seconds answer time. This is the link for Purple Mash.


  • Reading really is the backbone of learning both in an academic sense, in all curriculum, areas but it also in a wider sense in relation to a child's independence, mental health and just for shear enjoyment so it is enormously important that we give it such a high focus.
  • Please continue to read with your child and/or talk to them about what they are reading at least three times a week at home. Some of the key reading skills we focus on in school are vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and sequence/summary (VIPERS). 
  • If you would like to support the school by buying books for the classroom, please click on the Amazon wish lists for 4B and 4S. Thank you.

More on home learning

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate contact us.

 Mr Bunce & Mrs Sherwin


Supporting Information and Home Learning Website Links

BBC Bitesize daily lessons

The Oak National Academy lessons also seem good. These are recommended by the Secretary of State. They are delivered by real life teachers, not our own staff, but teachers nonetheless. It’s another option if you feel you need more content.






Science, Computing and STEM

